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Averages can be quite a challenge to comprehend. I found out that the use of cubes can help in the visual and kinesthetic approach to learning Averages.

Cubes that can be attached together would be most helpful. Your student can stack them up to a particular height. They can start with forming 2 parts, of differing heights, and preferably of different colours.

The average is found by first obtaining the sum of the parts. For example, if your student has formed 4 cubes together for the first part, and 6 cubes together for the other part, they can simply stack them together to get the sum. They would be able to see that there are a total of 10 cubes formed.

Next, the total is divided by the number of parts. In this case, that would be 2. The student can physically divide the stacked cubes into half to get the average. More parts can be explored to further reinforce the concept.

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